Hero image




Interview of a sports celebrity

Interview of a sports celebrity

Based on Edexcel Textbook Questions and Answers using il/elle Answers are to be revealed using the rubber on Smartboard software Quel est son nom? Quel est son prénom? Quelle est sa nationalité? Quel est son lieu de naissance? Comment ça s'écrit? Quelle est la couleur de ses yeux? Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux? Que fait-il/elle de son temps libre?
Les Jeux Olympiques d'Hiver

Les Jeux Olympiques d'Hiver

Based on the Sochi 2014 Olympics. A lesson and based on Winter Olympic sports and favourite sports. For the intro of vocabulary, just move the boxes to see the pictures and use the rubber to uncover the text just underneath.
Dictionary skills and functions of words

Dictionary skills and functions of words

A presentation for year 7 on how to use a French-English dictionary. It also includes a lesson about the function of words in a sentence (e.g. nouns and pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs).